Throughout the school year, students learn about their strengths’ themes and how to use their strengths toward personal success and goals. Although students have each of these strengths within themselves, certain themes have been identified as their top three strengths. We will be highlighting the ten strength themes in order to allow you to become more familiar with each--achieving, caring, competing, confidence, dependability, discoverer, future thinker, organizer, presence, and relating.
This month we are highlighting: CARING
Students especially talented in the CARING theme enjoy helping others. Students with caring as one of their strengths are known for being kind and thoughtful. They encourage others, share with them, and help them learn. We can increase this strength in our students by practicing these action items:
- Celebrate your students’ helpful actions.
- Remind your student that his or her caring talents make the world a better place.
- Share ways that you try to be helpful in your own daily life. These conversations will help spark his or her thinking about everyday ways to help.
- Brainstorm ideas about how your student can exercise this strength inside and outside of school.
“The simple act of caring is heroic.” ~ Edward Albert
Grow Strong makes it possible for students to clearly “name” their positive qualities, which helps them build their confidence in and out of school. We look forward to continuing to “Grow Strong” together this school year!