TVMS National History Day

The fifth annual Thomas Viaduct National History Day took place on Wednesday, February 6th. Students in Ms. Attridge's 8th grade GT U.S. History class presented their performances, documentaries, and websites to the judges relating to this year's theme, “Triumph and Tragedy in History.”

We are proud of all our TVMS student participants. TVMS will be represented at Howard County History Day in March by the following students and categories:

  • Karen Abdelsayed:  Exhibit - A Wagon of History: The Cherokee Trail of Tears
  • James Clute:  Exhibit - The Spanish Lady and the Angel of Mercy
  • Catherine Harris:  Website - Lowell Mill Girls
  • Christabel Akolo & Rithma Premarathne:  Website - Vincent Van Gogh: Triumph and Tragedy of Genius