2020 – 2021 Course Information for Rising 7th and 8th Grade Students


Teachers have entered recommendations for course levels in ELA, math, science, and social studies for current 6th and 7th grade students. Parents will receive an email on February 13, 2020, with their student’s course recommendations.

World Language for Rising 7th Grade Students

Current sixth grade students have the option of taking French or Spanish in grade 7. This week during part of their Geography class, students reviewed a presentation on the World Language program and received the World Language selection form. After reading this letter, we encourage you and your student to discuss their strengths and interests in order to make informed decisions regarding World Languages for next year.  

Every parent/guardian and student needs to complete and return the form, even if you decide to opt out of a World Language offering for next year. Forms are due to the student's den teacher by Friday, February 14, 2020. 

Performing Art Opportunities for Rising 7th and 8th Grade Students

Thomas Viaduct Middle School believes every student should have the opportunity to learn and grow through music education. At Thomas Viaduct, we have three performing ensemble departments: band, chorus, and orchestra. During lunch shifts, students may pick up an interest form meant to gauge how many potential new students want to join one of the TVMS performing ensembles in the 2020-2021 school year.

Please understand that filling out this interest form does not guarantee placement into a performing ensemble but is simply an expression of interest and completing this interest form does not guarantee a student’s placement into an ensemble, as ensemble placements are based on prior experience, scheduling, and school staffing. Ms. Hunt, Ms. Pope, or Mrs. White will be in contact upon receiving your student’s form to discuss further.

Forms are due to Ms. Hunt, Ms. Pope, or Mrs. White by Friday, February 14, 2020.

Course Placement Review (CPR)

The deadline for parents to enter a Course Placement Review (CPR) form to request a level of class that is different than the teacher recommendation is Tuesday, March 6, 2020. Please review all classes carefully with your student and carefully consider the rigor of coursework.