As our Timberwolves engage in distance learning daily, I want to remind all students and parents that the learning and behavioral expectations for virtual learning still reflect HCPSS Student Code of Conduct policies and TVMS Pride expectations. In order to ensure that all students have a positive, safe, and nurturing distance learning experience, please review the following expectations with your student.
• Follow all HCPSS policies, paying particular attention to HCPSS Policy 8080 Responsible Use Technology and Social Media
• Follow TVMS Wolf Pride expectations
• Only use their HCPSS email account when entering a Google Meet virtual check-in session. Teachers will only permit students into a Google Meet virtual check-in session if they are using their HCPSS account, as students can be identified through their HCPSS email account. Students (or anyone) trying to access a Google Meet virtual check-in session without an HCPSS email will not be permitted to enter.
• Make sure comments (either verbal or in the chat) are
appropriate. Inappropriate/offensive/threatening comments, misrepresentation of identity, and/or disruptive participants (invited or uninvited) during Google Meet virtual check-in sessions will not be tolerated.
• Not share login information or Google Meet virtual check-in codes. Sharing login information or Google Meet virtual check-in codes violates the confidentiality rights of other students and places them at risk of having to witness disruptive behaviors from students who are not members of the class or school community.
• Only enter their class’ Google Meet virtual check-in session and should exhibit appropriate behavior while in each Google Meet virtual check-in session. Students who are disruptive and/or “trespass” Google Meet virtual check-in sessions will immediately be reported to an administrator and will receive appropriate consequences in accordance with the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct. Consequences may result in the temporary or permanent loss of technology access, which will also result in a student's inability to access Canvas and/or participate in Google Meet virtual check-in sessions (in this case, assignments will be provided to parents/guardians since students will not have access).
*Additional reminders can be found in the Continuity of Learning Safety Measures Canvas page at this link:
https://hcpss.instructure.com/courses/122630/pages/google-meet-safety updates
As of today, September 21st, 75% of families have completed their student’s Family File information. This means we still have 207 families who still need to complete this task. All parents must verify or update information for each student every school year even during virtual learning, to ensure HCPSS has the most current information for each student. Staff will continue to call families to support their completion of Family File for their student(s).
You can access the Family File by logging into HCPSS Connect, selecting the Family File tab on the left, and then selecting Family File. Once logged in, parents/guardians will be asked to provide, update, or confirm the information below.
• Student information
• Parent/guardian contact
• Emergency contacts
• Medical information
• Arrival/dismissal procedures (for when in-person classes resume) • Media release (photo approval)
• Data confidentiality
• PTA/PTSA directory
Parents who have forgotten their login credentials may click the “Forgot Password” link on the sign-in page. If you need additional assistance, please fill out the Connect Help Form.
Important Note: A change of address may not be made through Family File. If you have recently moved, please contact Amanda Peterson, School Counseling Secretary, at amanda_peterson@hcpss.org.
Parents new to the Howard County Public School System will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to activate an account.
Student attendance in the 2020-2021 academic year will be much like attendance when schools were open. Parents should notify the school in writing that a student will miss school/class due to an illness, appointment, or other excused absence.
A new dedicated attendance email has been established for parents to submit attendance notes: TVMSAbsence@hcpss.org
This email will be checked daily. Similar to the notes parents previously sent to the school, the attendance secretary will enter student attendance, allowing teachers to see if a student is missing class due to an excused absence.
All attendance communication regarding missed school or classes must come from a parent. Student notes or emails to teachers regarding missed classes or work will not be considered acceptable to be marked excused.
Lunch Bunches are for all students. It is a great way to get to know your new peers or reconnect with friends. This is optional activity and not required for students, however we hope to see you there.
This week, on Tuesday, September 22nd, and Thursday, September 24th, Ms. Harig and Ms. Quinn, School Counselors, will host the following lunch bunches:
6th Grade Lunch Bunch: 11:00-11:30 a.m.
Code: TVMS-LunchBunch-6
7th Grade Lunch Bunch: 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Code: TVMS-LunchBunch-7
8th Grade Lunch Bunch: 12:30-1:00 p.m.
Code: TVMS-LunchBunch-8
The TVMS PTSA will be holding its first meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 23rd, at 6:30 p.m. in the TVMS parking lot.
The 2020-2021 Executive Board will be elected at this meeting.
Appropriate social distancing guidelines will be followed. Please bring a chair. If it’s raining, please bring an umbrella as well.
Please know that there will be no access to the school building.