We are excited to share with you the detailed information about the Eighth-Grade Farewell Ceremonies we are holding on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at Thomas Viaduct Middle School.
Farewell Ceremonies Start Time
Students with Last Names beginning with letters A-K Ceremony begins at 8:20 am
Students with Last Names beginning with letters L-Z Ceremony begins at 9:05 am
Student Arrival on Farewell Ceremony Day
Students should arrive at school as they normally would - by car, bus, walking, etc. They are encouraged to arrive at school already dressed for the ceremony as there will not be time for students to change clothes at school before the ceremony starts.
Due to our regular morning bus arrival in the bus loop, guests for the first ceremony are encouraged to arrive at school after 8:10 am. If guests for the first ceremony arrive prior to all of the school buses arriving at TVMS, they will be directed to park in the community or at the community center (The Barn). Once all school buses have arrived, guests will be able to park in the bus loop area at TVMS. Please follow all directions of staff directing parking. Guests for the second ceremony, starting at 8:55 am, will be directed to park in the bus loop as guests from the first ceremony are leaving. It is highly recommended that guests/families carpool as parking space is limited.
Guest Arrival
Guests will be directed to enter TVMS at the doors by the chorus room. This entrance will be clearly marked for you and staff will be present to direct guests into the gymnasium for the ceremony for your student(s). Due to fire code and space limitations in the gymnasium, each student will be provided a limit of 2 tickets for guests which are attached to this letter. Please bring them on the day of the ceremony to give to the staff at the guest entrance. If guests for the second ceremony arrive before the conclusion of the first ceremony, guests will be directed to wait for entry into the school for the second ceremony. Once the first ceremony has concluded, guests for the second ceremony will be able to enter the gym to be seated.
Following each ceremony, students and their guests will be dismissed from the gymnasium to the blacktop area (weather permitting) for a reception of light refreshments. There will be a sign out table provided for parents/guardians to sign their student(s) out from school following the ceremony, if they so choose. This individual MUST provide ID when signing the student out and be listed in synergy as someone designated for pick up.
Student Expectations
It is expected that all students will demonstrate TVMS PRIDE behaviors and follow the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct during the farewell ceremonies. Following each ceremony and reception, students will have a regular school day schedule going to each of their classes (please see above regarding signing your student(s) out following the ceremony).