World Autism Awareness
World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), April 2nd, aimed to put a spotlight on the hurdles that people with autism – and others living with autism – face every day. As a growing global health issue owing to its increasing exposure in the press and common knowledge, autism is an issue that is only gaining more understanding – and WAAD activities are planned every year to further increase and develop world knowledge of children and adults who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
What’s more, World Autism Awareness Day goes one step further to celebrate the unique talents of those with autism, while putting a huge focus on the warm embrace and welcome that these skills deserve
The Special Education team at TVMS will be using the month of April to bring awareness, to not only autism, but to all disabilities. Our goal is to promote awareness, inclusion, and self-determination for all.
Our activities include:
- Getting rid of the "r" word campaign
- Wolf-Buddy lunch
- Videos on the morning news
- Hearing from TVMS staff on their personal experiences
We will also be sponsoring three spirit days in April:
- Friday, April 13th - Wear Blue Day (Everyone wear the color blue.)
- Friday, April 20th - Mismatch Crazy Sock Day (Our differences are what makes us great!)
- Friday, April 27th - Opposite Day (Opposites Attract: Salt & Pepper, Mustard & Ketchup!)