Important Immunization Information

From the Health Room: Important Immunization Requirements

Effective the first day of school for the school year 2018-2019, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) is required by the state of Maryland for all students entering
Grade 7. If we DO NOT receive proof of immunization, your child will be excluded from school. Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record. Please contact your child’s doctor and send/fax in an updated copy of your child’s immunizations to the Health Room, our fax # is (410) 712-6050, or schedule an appointment to have your child receive these immunizations.

Thomas Viaduct Middle School is offering an in-school immunization clinic on May 22, 2018, and your child is eligible to receive his/her missing immunization(s) here in school, provided by the Howard County Health Department at NO COST as part of their back-to-school immunization program. Information sheets and consent forms will be sent home with the 3rd quarter report cards on April 23rd, only for those 6th grade students who are not up to date on these vaccinations. If you would like to have your child receive these mandatory vaccines at school, please complete the consent form and return to the school nurse no later than April 30th. If your child has already received these immunizations, please send in a copy of the record to the school nurse.  

If you have further questions, please call the school health room at (410) 313-8714.