Important End of Year Reminders
The next few days of the 2017-18 school year are sure to be exciting ones for our students as we wind up the school year and start to think about summer! Please keep a few things in mind as the last day of school approaches.
- Textbook, Media Center resources, and any other school materials borrowed by your student this year need to be returned in good condition.
- Media books were due on June 1st.
- Teachers began to collect textbooks students on Friday, June 1st.
- Now is a good time to start asking your student to gather these books and look for ones that might be under the bed or elsewhere in your home. Looking for textbooks and media materials now will avoid stress later.
- All students who do not turn in textbooks, or media materials on time will receive a book fine form. Typical textbook fines are between $65 and $90 when they are lost or damaged. In addition, students will lose time from their end-of-year activities for outstanding book obligations, including Green Field Day on Thursday, June 14th.
- If you already know the item is damaged, contact the classroom teacher for replacement costs.
- Report cards will be mailed home after June 19th.
- Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, who have not returned their textbooks or have outstanding fines at the end of the school year, will receive their final report card after all obligations have been fulfilled.
- Lockers will be cleaned out on June 14th. Students will not be allowed to use their lockers after this date.
- On Friday, June 15th, Monday, June 18th, and Tuesday, June 19th, students should bring a pen or pencil and some paper (no binders). Backpacks should not be carried on these days.
- Students with medications in the Health Room: Please plan to pick up your student’s medications by Tuesday, June 19th, by 11:30 a.m. Medications cannot be taken home by your student. If your student's medications are not picked up by the last day of school, the health room will properly destroy them. Please contact the health room at 410-313-8714, if you have any questions.
- Supply lists for the next school year have been posted on our school website.
Final School Days’ Dismissal Schedule
June 11th – June 14th 2:55 Dismissal
June 15th, 18th, 19th 11:55 Dismissal
To our eighth grade students and parents, we extend best wishes for continued success as your child takes the next step in their academic career. On behalf of our entire staff, it has been a pleasure to work with this year’s eighth grade students over the past three years. We take pride in the young men and women you have become and look forward to hearing about all your future accomplishments. Go Timberwolves!