Upcoming Events
- June 11 8th Grade Farewell Ceremony
- June 11-14 Full School Days for Students
- June 14 Green Field Day
- June 15-19 3-Hour Early Dismissal
- June 19 Last Day of School
(3-hour early dismissal)
From the Principal
TVMS Families,
This is our last newsletter of the school year, and what better way to end the year than by congratulating our Chorus, Orchestra, and Band students, who did exceptionally well at Hershey’s Music in the Park. Band, Orchestra, and Chorus all placed first in their categories. Band and Orchestra received Superior ratings, and Chorus received an Excellent. Orchestra received the Overall Orchestra award for being the best orchestra of the day in any category. Finally, Chorus student Kaelyn Baggett received the award for Best Vocal Soloist! The spring concerts were amazing and enjoyed by all in attendance. Our students deserve a big round of applause, along with our directors Mrs. Nixon, Ms. Niles, and Ms. Hunt. This has been a very successful year for our performing arts students.
To all of our students and their families, we wish you a safe and happy summer. We are extending special wishes to our eighth grade students and parents for continued success as your child takes the next step in their academic career. On behalf of our entire staff, it has been a pleasure to work with this year’s eighth grade students over the past three years. We take pride in the young men and women you have become and look forward to hearing about all your future accomplishments.
Reminder, we will be running an early dismissal student schedule for June 15, 18, and 19. Students will not have access to their lockers and should not bring a backpack to school on those days.
We wish to thank the family of Carol Ceasar, 7th grader, and her family for the Sunshine treats this month.
Go Timberwolves!!!
Shiney Ann John
2018- 2019 TVMS School Year Supply List
The school supply list for next year is available on the TVMS website.
8th Grade News – Farewell Ceremony on June 11th
The Farewell Ceremony is set to begin at 6:30 p.m., at Hammond High School, and the doors to the auditorium will open at 6:10 p.m. Please ensure your student arrives by 6:10 p.m. Tickets and a program will be sent home with your student on Monday, June 11th. Please be sure to ask your students for these documents. The auditorium seats 900, and we must ensure we comply with regulations set by the Office of the Fire Marshall. Therefore, each student will receive two tickets for their family members to attend.
Refreshments will be offered following the ceremony. If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Ache at rebecca_ache@hcpss.org. Reminder, the last day for our eighth grade class remains June 19th.
Important End of Year Reminders
The next few days of the 2017-18 school year are sure to be exciting ones for our students as we wind up the school year and start to think about summer! Please keep a few things in mind as the last day of school approaches.
- Textbook, Media Center resources, and any other school materials borrowed by your student this year need to be returned in good condition.
- Media books were due on June 1st.
- Teachers began to collect textbooks students on Friday, June 1st.
- Now is a good time to start asking your student to gather these books and look for ones that might be under the bed or elsewhere in your home. Looking for textbooks and media materials now will avoid stress later.
- All students who do not turn in textbooks, or media materials on time will receive a book fine form. Typical textbook fines are between $65 and $90 when they are lost or damaged. In addition, students will lose time from their end-of-year activities for outstanding book obligations, including Green Field Day on Thursday, June 14th.
- If you already know the item is damaged, contact the classroom teacher for replacement costs.
- Report cards will be mailed home after June 19th..
- Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, who have not returned their textbooks or have outstanding fines at the end of the school year, will receive their final report card after all obligations have been fulfilled.
- Lockers will be cleaned out on June 14th. Students will not be allowed to use their lockers after this date.
- On Friday, June 15th, Monday, June 18th, and Tuesday, June 19th, students should bring a pen or pencil and some paper (no binders). Backpacks shouldnot be carried on these days.
- Supply lists for the next school year have been posted on our school website.
Final School Days’ Dismissal Schedule
June 11th – June 14th 2:55 Dismissal
June 15th, 18th, 19th 11:55 Dismissal
Lost and Found
Lost and found items that are not claimed by June 19th will be donated to a local charity at the end of the student day.
Green Field Day Olympics
Our annual Green Field Day Olympics event is coming to TVMS on Thursday, June 14th. This is an all-day program with rotating activities inside and outside of the school building. All three grades will participate in field sports, cooperative games and challenges, as well as “greening” activities to beautify our school grounds and educate students about environmental topics. This event has been a huge success in the past because of support from our families and community partners.
Please consider lending and/or donating supplies for this event. Some items to lend include rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, tarps, canopy tents, and large water dispensing coolers. Donation items include paper plates, cups, large trash bags, non-latex gloves, and freeze pops. We also need volunteers to assist with set up in the morning and with monitoring activities alongside teachers throughout the day. A sign-up page has been set up HERE for all needed items and volunteers.
If you sign up to work as a volunteer on June 14th, you will first need to complete the brief Confidentiality Training Course found HERE, unless you have already completed it during this school year. If you have any questions, please feel free to send a message to Mr. Janelli at keith_janelli@hcpss.org).
Thank you so much for your support!!
Summer Meals for Kids and Teens
Summer meals will be provided at five (5) open sites this summer:
- Laurel Woods Elementary School, 12:30–2 p.m.
- Talbott Springs Elementary School, 12:30–2 p.m.
- Harper’s Choice Middle School, 12–1:30 p.m.
- Oakland Mills Middle School, 12–1:30 p.m.
- Howard County Library System–East Columbia Branch, 12–1:30 p.m.
Summer meals will be served to all children, 18 and younger at these sites, regardless of what schools they attend or where they live. There are no application or enrollment requirements, and all meals will be free. All meals will be served on a first-come, first-served basis, and all meals must be eaten on site. No portion of the meal may be taken out of the meal serving area(s), and adults may not eat any portion of a child’s meal. Small children must have adult supervision.
For more information, please visit the website or call 410-313-6736.
The Muslim holiday of Ramadan in the United States of America Ramadan will begin in the evening of Tuesday, May 15th, and ends in the evening of Thursday, June 14th.*
*Any student who requests/needs a quiet place during lunch should let any staff member know, and we will arrange for them to spend their lunch shift in the media center or conference room.
Yearbooks are on Sale
It is not too late to order the TVMS yearbook. It will be full of beautiful color photos highlighting the 2017-2018 school year. Hundreds of photos will help preserve your child’s memories.
Availability is limited on a first come/first serve basis. Yearbooks remaining for purchase are $25 with payment to Thomas Viaduct Middle School. Forms are available in the front office and Media Center.
Updated A/B Day Calendar
HCPSS has made some adjustments and updates to the A day/B day calendar for the remainder of this school year.
- Friday, June 15th will be a B day.
- Monday, June 18th will be an A day.
- Tuesday, June 19th will be a B day.
From the Health Room:
Current Students with Medication in the Health Room - Parents or guardians should plan to pick up any medications that are remaining in the TVMS health room no later than 10:00 a.m. on June 19, 2018. Any medication not picked up by that date will be destroyed.
Important Immunization Requirements
Effective the first day of school for the school year 2018 - 2019, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) is required by the state of Maryland for all students entering Grade 7. If we DO NOT receive proof of immunization, your child will be excluded from school. Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record. Please contact your child’s doctor and send/fax in an updated copy of your child’s immunizations to the Health Room, our fax # is (410) 712-6050, or schedule an appointment to have your child receive these immunizations.
If you have further questions, please call the school health room at (410) 313-8714.
Grow Strong
At TVMS, we are committed to celebrating the strengths of our students. The Strengths Explorer describes 10 strength themes: Achieving, Caring, Competing, Confidence, Dependability, Discoverer, Future Thinker, Organizer, Presence, and Relating. Although students have each of these strengths within themselves, certain themes have been identified as their top three strengths.
Now, as we head into summer, it is worthwhile to consider why strengths matter. One helpful way to understand the difference strengths make is the simple maxim, “Where attention goes, energy flows.” Paying attention to our positive qualities is empowering. Similarly, when we focus on others’ strengths, we are more likely to appreciate them as individuals. We are often quick to criticize ourselves and others. Instead, we can use the summer as a time to reflect on what went well this academic year: What were the highlights? What was successful about our home and school routines? From this positive position, we can then reflect on changes we may want to make for the 2018-19 school year. Have a wonderful summer!
Spring Pictures
Spring pictures were distributed to students today. Please note the three options regarding Spring picture packages:
- If you would like to purchase all of the pictures, keep the picture package, and send payment to school with your student.
- If you would like to purchase some of the pictures, remove pictures from the package that you would like to keep, and send payment for the pictures you are keeping as well as the pictures you do not wish to keep, to school with your student.
- If you do not want to purchase any of the pictures, send the entire picture package to school with your student.
Pack Leaders of the Month
TVMS is approaching the traditional concept of Student of the Month from a different angle. Students and families may not be familiar with this approach to recognizing student leadership by capitalizing on strengths, but TVMS realizes students display strengths in one or more of the academic areas, and we are focused on capitalizing on the power of these individual strengths.
TVMS is proud to recognize our Pack Leaders of the Month. Each month, a student from one of the 12 academic areas will be recognized for displaying the PRIDE traits (Personal Responsibility, Respect, Integrity, Diligence, Excellence). The academic areas include Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Reading, Art, Technology Education, Family and Consumer Science, Health Education, Physical Education, Performing Arts, and World Language. Recognized students will receive a certificate of accomplishment and be acknowledged on the morning news. In addition, students will have their picture posted in the TVMS Alpha Hall of Fame. We look forward to highlighting TVMS students for their individual student strengths in a variety of academic areas.
Pack Leaders of the Month for May
Subject 8th Grade 7th Grade ELA Joseph Polimeni Victoria Benitez MATH Jayda Sarfo Cassidy McCurley READING Mackenzie Watkins Cyrus Thomas-Ray SCIENCE Desean Shields Akyra Hamilton SOCIAL STUDIES Priscila Ledezma-Villatoro Yasmine Khetib ART Maureen Kwakye-Dankwa Diego Carino FACS Toby Moser Victoria Benitez HEALTH Joey Polimeni Rickaya Dennis PERFORMING ARTS Jelani Omolade Cameron Brewer PHYSICAL EDUCATION Cole Heineman Victoria Benitez TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Brian Tran Tife Ogundairo WORLD LANGUAGE Sachi Irizawa Peyton Breitenbucher Subject 6th Grade ELA Iman Turner MATH Haney Tial READING William Moultrie SCIENCE Robert Hunt SOCIAL STUDIES Ira Taylor ART Makeda Mayers FACS Vivian Cheeseboro HEALTH Chris Hernandez PERFORMING ARTS Morad Khetib PHYSICAL EDUCATION Jah'el Love TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Allison Ferritor WORLD LANGUAGE Maddie RoyPolicy Corner – Student Use and Possession of Tobacco Products (Policy 9240)
The use or possession of any tobacco product, cigarette rolling papers, or electronic cigarette products by students is prohibited in school buildings, in school vehicles, on school property and at school bus stops at all times.
For a first violation, the student and his/ her parent will receive a referral form for a tobacco use cessation program administered by a public health agency or private provider. Failure to attend the tobacco use cessation program will result in a suspension for one school day.
For a second offense, the student will be given a suspension for three school days. The student will have the option of enrolling in a tobacco use cessation program administered by a public health agency or private provider instead of serving the suspension. The school administrator will provide the parent with a referral form for that program. If the student chooses this option, proof of enrollment must be provided to the school administrator. If proof of enrollment is not provided within five school days, the student will be required to serve the three-day suspension.
A student who violates this policy a third time will be given a suspension for five school days. The student will have the option of enrolling in a tobacco use cessation program administered by a public health agency or private provider instead of serving the five-day suspension. The school administrator will provide the parent with a referral form for that program. If the student chooses this option, proof of enrollment must be provided to a school administrator. If proof of enrollment is not provided within five school days, the student will be required to serve the five-day suspension.
For fourth and subsequent offenses, the student will be given a suspension for 10 school days. A suspension of up to 20 school days will be assigned. The student may choose to serve the suspension or to enroll in and complete a tobacco use cessation program administered by a public health agency or private provider. If the student chooses this option, proof of enrollment must be provided to the school administrator before the student can return to school. If proof of enrollment and completion are not provided, the student will be required to serve the designated length of suspension.
Tips for School Success - Howard County Public Library
The Howard County Public Library offers great opportunities for students over the summer to keep them learning. For more information, see their website.
Hammond High School News
Hammond Fall Sport Tryout Information August 8th - 13th – Mark Your Calendar!
Interested in playing football, field hockey, soccer, cross country, volleyball, golf, or cheer next fall? Tryout information is available! Please note the different days/times for each sport. Contact Hammond High directly at 410-313-7615 to reach the coach if you need more information. HaHs Fall Sports Tryout Information - 18 (1).docx
- Athletic forms for participation
- Submit forms online through A PARENT'S HCPSS Connect Account.
Hammond High School Rising 9th Grade Fall Sports Information Night – June 12th
Future Golden Bear Families - Welcome to Golden Bear Country! If you, your son, or daughter is interested in playing golf, running cross country, football, boys soccer, girls soccer, field hockey, cheerleading, or volleyball, we strongly encourage you to attend our Rising 9th Grade Sports Information Night. We are hosting the event on Tuesday,
June 12th, at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. There will be a brief introduction from the Athletics and Activities Manager, followed by break-out sessions with the coaches from each program. You will learn about expectations, schedules, summer programs, tryout criteria, required paperwork, and have an opportunity to ask questions of the coaches. We hope to see you there!
Hammond High Summer Camps
The philosophy of the Hammond High School Boosters Summer Camp Program is to provide a fun and affordable summer activity for elementary and middle school children who are the next generation of Golden Bear students and athletes. Through these camps, we hope to increase the levels of participation, performance, and most importantly, the community spirit of Hammond’s athletics and club programs. The Hammond Boosters Summer Camps are designed to introduce students at all levels of experience to Hammond’s athletics and club programs. Campers will get a chance to meet and train with future teammates and coaches. Individual camps will focus on teamwork and introduce campers to the drills and relevant skills for each sport.
For more information, please visit the website.
Long Reach High School News
Field Hockey Camp
Interested in field hockey – participate in their summer camp for girls in 6th through incoming 9th grade, July 23 – 27, 2018, at Long Reach High. Cost is $60. Sign-up by July 6th at the website.
For questions or additional information, email jorden_lim@hcpss.org.
Community News and Programs
Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.
- Journey Camp for Girls Entering Grades 7, 8, 9 – July 15 – 21, 2018
At Journey, each student identifies her own leadership skills, strengths, and challenges in a supportive and fun environment. The Journey experience fosters increased self-esteem and confidence. Tuition for Journey is $895. Financial assistance is available. Journey and scholarship applications are available at mlw.org. Journey is held at UMBC – the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
For more information, contact the Maryland Leadership Workshops: 301-444-8623 or anita@leadershipmd.org mlw.org. - HCPSS is working with student leaders and Howard County government to have an event in which students and adults can share their stories of diversity, inclusion, and community with others across the county. The event is on Saturday June 16, 2018, at 1:00 p.m. at the Smith Theater at Howard Community College. Following the event, everyone is invited to the Longest Table, hosted by the Howard County Library, to share a meal and engage in conversation regarding the speakers and presentations.
Our very own, Afua Atta Poku, auditioned, and she was accepted! She will be performing one of her slam poems at the event. If you are able to support Afua, please join us at #OneHowardLive.
Please contact Andrew Howard at ahoward@howardcountymd.gov with questions.
- Howard County Police Youth Summer Camp, P.L.E.D.G.E. - Howard County Police offer a free, one-week Summer Leadership Camp designed to help students entering the ninth grade develop leadership skills called P.L.E.D.G.E. (pride, leadership, education, diversity, gang resistance, evaluation). Through a series of discussions and practical activities, participants learn the value of teamwork and skills that foster leadership. Lessons and activities challenge their ability to make critical decisions, focus on core beliefs and values, recognize diversity, and work toward a common goal. One highlight of the camp is a field trip to Terrapin Adventures, where campers participate in confidence-building activities. Campers navigate obstacle courses, play games, and complete tasks designed to challenge the group to work together. The first camp is from June 25 through June 29, and the second camp is from July 16 through July 20. Enrollment continues until
June 1. If interested, please complete the registration documents. Direct questions to jmorrill@howardcountymd.gov.
Connect with Us:
7000 Banbury Drive
Hanover, MD 21076