TVMS PTSA Officer Elections and May Meeting
- The PTSA will be holding elections for the 2019-2020 school year at the May 8th meeting. If you are interested in volunteering for a position, please visit our website at this link.
- PTSA meetings are a great way to connect with TVMS Staff and Administration, as well as a great opportunity to ask questions in an informal setting. Join us on Wednesday, May 8th,
6:30 p.m., for the next PTSA meeting.
PTSA Upcoming Events
- Donations Needed for Honor Roll Celebrations - The TVMS PTSA is requesting donations for the third quarter Honor Roll Celebrations. We are in need of popsicles, napkins, and volunteers. Please have items to the front office by May 1st. Please sign up at this link.
- Quarter Auction Fundraiser - The Quarter Auction Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, May 4th, at the Ridgely Run Community Center in Jessup.
- We have some great items for the Silent Auction - Escape Room experience for 10, a bowling party for 10, and MORE.
- Quarter Rounds will include many fun items - Restaurant gift cards, movie passes, TVMS staff-themed gift baskets, Launch Trampoline Park passes, Skyzone passes, and more!!
It will be an exciting night of bidding and many chances to win!! For more information visit the PTSA website or follow the event on Facebook.
- Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week is May 6 – 10, 2019 – To sign up to help with the event, and for updates and information, please visit the website. Please email the PTSA at if you have questions.