- Absences: Please remember to send in a note on the day following any absence. Your student should submit the note to their first period teacher.
- Late Arrivals: Students who are not in their Homeroom Den by the 8:10 a.m. bell need to report to the Front Office and sign in late for the day to ensure that the student is not marked absent.
- Early Dismissals: To maximize instructional time, students cannot be called from the classroom for early dismissal until the parent/guardian arrives with identification to sign them out. Please plan your schedule to arrive to pick up your student for early dismissal before 2:45 p.m. This assists with our end-of-the day procedures. Requests that are made after 2:45 p.m. cannot be guaranteed to be fulfilled due to the school dismissal process during this time and the duties of the front office staff.
- LobbyGuard Sign-In: ALL visitors must sign in with their license using the LobbyGuard kiosk at each visit. If you do not have your license, your information must be entered manually on the kiosk.
- Classroom Visits: Visits to classrooms are allowed with a pre-arranged time that has been established with Student Services. Please see the website for more information.
- Student Homework and/or Lunch Drop Off: Homework dropped off for a student will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox, and lunches will be taken to the cafeteria for the student. Lunches should be dropped off prior to the student’s schedule lunch shift. This will allow us to maximize your student’s time in class.
Regular Day Lunch Shift Times: 6th Grade – 10:55 p.m.
7th Grade – 11:47 p.m.
8th Grade – 12:39 p.m.